Thursday, May 12, 2022

I Thought I Should Give You an Update Since It Has Been Awhile Since I Posted

There has been a lot going on in my life, so I thought I'd give you an inside look into a number of posts I have been working on so that there would be something to look forward to.  

My most "finished" post is on how shame and rage are intertwined in narcissism and how it can lead so easily to abuse. I feel it is one of the more "important" posts I have been writing on abuse, because it plays a role in nearly every aspect of narcissistic abuse (and even the present war waged by Russia against Ukraine and its citizens). It is as common (but less well known) as the abuser's addiction to power, control and domination. 

Other posts nearly finished: 

* Estrangement in the family (2 parts)
* Lack of sleep, sleep disturbances and nightmares in PTSD and CPTSD
* Lack of empathy in abusers
* A series on common punishments abusers use in domestic abuse and violence (plus how to tell how much danger you might be in, in terms of the types of punishments being used)
* Growing up in an abusive family: how addictions and obsessions play a role 
* Infantilization and parentification in abusive relationships and how it is connected to gaslighting
* Child abuse survivors who contemplate suicide (signs)

Posts I am working on for the series "The Narcissistic Nation":

* two more entries on Russia's war with Ukraine
* a look at the controversy over abortion in the USA
* the alarming recent uptick in teen suicides in the USA
* USA: the divided country (often termed the Cold Civil War)
* arrogance, prejudice, paranoia, and perspecticide, and how it plays a role in damaging peace and the ability to negotiate between nations

I will probably take this post down once I put a new post up.

This is just to keep you up to date and informed.  


  1. I look forward to all of these posts, but I have wanted to see what you have to say about parental alienation forever. Will you do one on that or will the blog mainly be about politics?

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I started a post on Parental Alienation last year, but in the process I realized that narcissists don't just try to alienate their children from their other parent. It branches out into other relationships their child is having: from a sibling, from a step-parent, from a mate, from the adult child's own children or mate, even. It becomes like an ongoing train of destruction. And all of this pursuit of trying to alienate one person after another in the child's life is about the narcissist constantly triangulating, using false narratives (lies and exaggerations to build prejudice and conspiracies), gossip to damage reputations, and launching escalations (more planned manipulations to build an alienation between two other people).
      Most parents don't do this, as we know. If anything they are trying to foster their child having close relationships with all kinds of family members. Narcissistic parents - not at all. They put their children through loyalty tests: "You are either loyal to me or to your other parent." Usually if the child isn't agreeable to being isolated with the narc parent, then the narc parent punishes.
      But even if they get their way, there will be another loyalty challenge, and another, and another after that...
      It seemed like an overwhelming project in the end. It certainly starts with the narcissist focusing on Parental Alienation.
      Most researchers focus just on parental alienation too, but in a way it misses the point, and is out of context because the objective of an awful lot of narcissists is to alienate their child from everyone in the child's orbit, especially a scapegoat child.
      As for whether this blog will only focus on politics? No.
      Perhaps I'll take a stab at trying to finish the post on parental alienation some time this year.

    2. Great insight! I had never thought about that. It's so true. Narcissists want to dismantle as many relationships as they can, especially with as many family members as they can, and especially when they decide they hate you.

  2. Looking foward to the deep dive into these topics.

  3. Very much looking forward to these articles. The Ukraine/Russia ones are especially a propos for these times. The situation exemplifies all the classic dynamics of bullying writ large on for the world to see.

    1. So true.

      I should be back to writing posts in the next few days. And I do have another post ready to go on the Ukraine/Russia situation to go in the mix of posts.


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