Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Is Racism Linked to Narcissism?

Yes. Racism is linked to narcissism. See the research done on this below. 

According to a Very Well Mind article, The Link Between Psychopathy, Narcissism, and Racism by Nadra Little and fact-checked by Rich Scherr:
     * A recent study has drawn a link between racism and certain personality disorders, such as psychopathy and narcissism.
     * In many cases, a lack of empathy can lead to harmful beliefs about others.
     ... Psychopathic traits such as a lack of empathy and callousness are predictive of prejudicial tendencies. ...

Should anyone be surprised? The lack of empathy, the propensity to be highly negative and judgmental about other people and even to dismiss their concerns and voices, the need to control other people and put them into submissive positions, nitpicking people apart endlessly because they don't seem "perfect enough" for the narcissist, the need for narcissists to destroy the self esteem of others who do not reach their impossible and often unwarranted "perfection standards", and the grandiose views that narcissists have of themselves, we shouldn't be surprised at all. 

I have written about prejudice in Narcissistic Personality Disorder myself in this post and also made mention of it in the post, Warning: The "You're Useless" Phrase, the "You're Nobody" Phrase and "You're Worthless" Phrase in Narcissistic Abuse and Domestic Violence.

One other take-away from the article I found interesting:

The Role of Machiavellianism and Narcissism
     Roy said that his research stands out because, while numerous studies have investigated the toll of racism on minority groups, few have examined the personality traits that make individuals more inclined to hold racist views.
     A 2017 Austrian study however, found that those with the four dark tetrad personality traits—psychopathy, narcissism, sadism, and Machiavellianism—were more likely to vote for a xenophobic presidential candidate with right-wing views.
     The researchers studied 675 Austrian citizens (264 females, 411 males) with a mean age of 35.9. The study found a positive association between the dark tetrad and a political right-wing attitude, with Machiavellianism emerging as the most important predictor that one would have such views.

The narcissists I have known in my own life were heavily sexist, more than racist, and included women being sexist - hard to believe, except that narcissistic women typically compare themselves to other women and find other women to be lacking in personality, grace, talent, success, and beauty compared to themselves. But, to be fair, I also never saw that people of different races, or people of color, were part of their inner, or even their outer, friendship circles.   

At any rate, noticeable prejudice is always going to be part of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It will just manifest in different ways depending on their social circle and their family's attitudes, whether that be sexism, racism, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, weight, education, or some other human issue they like to laugh about, and talk derisively about (perhaps the health practices of others, the jobs of others, the mental health of others, refugees, the disabilities of others, the style of clothes other people wear, the type of groups people associate with, people in certain professions, people who believe in God or aliens ... it can be anything). What kind of people they talk about derisively will clue you in to where their prejudices lie.

Most of the rest of us have open minds enough not to shut down the possibilities that people who look and think differently than us may have "more brilliant realizations" than we do, especially if we are not in a hierarchical frame of mind or a comparative frame of mind to begin with, where we see others as equals to ourselves, no more or less powerful, no more or less deserving, no more or less submissive, in other words. We realize that perspectives come from our experiences, how we filter those experiences, and how we react to those experiences, and how our personality developed, and whether we have "openness to new experiences and styles of thinking." 

I have an article I'm working on that talks about narcissism and racism, so I thought I'd publish this preliminary post first. The links to the research into this phenomenon are below:  

Racism: A Symptom of the Narcissistic Personality - by Carl C. Bell for Journal of National Medical Association and the National Library of Medicine - professional paper

Racism, Narcissism, and Integrity - by Carl C. Bell for Journal of National Medical Association and the National Library of Medicine - professional paper

Racism: A Mental Illness? - by Carl C. Bell Community Mental Health Council, Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Chicago and Psychiatry Online - professional paper

The roles of gaslighting and narcissism in racism - by Dr. Ramani Durvasula (You Tube video)

Intolerance and Psychopathology: Toward a General Diagnosis for Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia - by Mary H. Guindon, Ph.D., Alan G. Green, Ph.D., and Fred J. Hanna, Ph.D. for Wiley Online Library - professional paper

THE “SICK” RACIST (Racism and Psychopathology in the Colorblind Era) - by James M. Thomas and W. Carson Byrd for the Cambridge University Press (book)

Beyond Empathic Failures: Cultural Racism as Narcissistic Trauma and Disenfranchisement of Grandiosity - by Maria T. Miliora for Clinical Social Work Journal

Racism: Revisiting Carl Bell (When racism and narcissism collide.) - by J. Luke Wood, Ph.D. for Psychology Today

The Narcissism of Whiteness - by Cheryl E. Matias for Brill - professional paper

Racial implications of the narcissistic personality inventory reinterpreting popular depictions of narcissism trends - by Mike A. Males for Oat - professional paper

How Narcissism & Racism Are Connected, According To Research - by Abby Moore for Mind, Body Green

Whiteness as Pathological Narcissism - by Arianne Miller, M.A. and Lawrence Josephs, PhD for Taylor and Francis Online 

Narcissistic Racial differences in narcissistic tendencies - by Virgil Zeigler-Hill and Marion T. Wallace for Science Direct - professional paper

Pale Narcissus: The Role of Primitive Narcissism in the Relationship between White Privilege Attitudes and Modern Racism - by Adam Breakey Hinshaw for Mo Space - professional paper

Alt-Right: Are Racists Mentally Ill? Some Psychiatrists Say Yes - by by Jessica Firger for Newsweek

Personality Traits Could Predict Those Prone to Prejudice - administrators of Neuroscience News (original source: The University of Oregon)

A Psychiatrist’s Perspective on Racism: 2020 - by Rahn K. Bailey, MD for Psychiatric Times

If Racism Is Broadway, Narcissism Is Grand Central - by Donald E. Collins, Ph.D.

Piper Devi: The link between malignant narcissism, racism and fascism - by Piper Devi, holistic counselor for

Racism and narcissism: America’s original sin (The racist, narcissistic behaviour that characterises the Trump administration has its roots in US colonial history.) - by Donald Earl Collins, Visiting Professor of African American History with Loyola University Maryland for Aljazeera

Types and Traits of White Narcissists (A guide on how to spot the worst of the worst of white supremacists) - by Savannah Worley for

Black American Refugee: Escaping the Narcissism of the American Dream - by Tiffanie Drayton

The Deadly Collision of Racism and Mental Illness - by Eyal Press for The New York Times

It's Totally OK To Unfriend Your Racist Friends — In Fact, You Should - by Laura Mae Lindo for Your Tango

Narcissism topics - (government website with a list of topics on narcissism, including narcissism with racism)

Diagnosing Racism - by James M. Thomas, PhD for his own website

Are narcissism and racism linked? They may be, in Donald Trump. - by Jerry Adler, senior editor for Yahoo News

White Narcissism - by Ron McDonald for Friends Journal

Is Racism a Disease? (Since the 1940s, mental health professionals have repeatedly debated the question of whether (some forms of) racism can be classified as a disease.) - by Livia Gershon for JSTR

Racists are essentially Narcs - Lipstick Alley (forum)


The Young Conservatives Trying to Make Eugenics Respectable Again (The pseudoscience of race provides both a justification of hierarchies and an enemy to rail against.) - by Adam Serwer for The Atlantic (2023)
     ... One explanation for the resurgence of scientific racism—what the psychologist Andrew S. Winston defines as the use of data to promote the idea of an “enduring racial hierarchy”—is that some very rich people are underwriting it. Mathias notes that “rich benefactors, some of whose identities are unknown, have funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into a think tank run by Hanania.” As the biological anthropologist Jonathan Marks tells the science reporter Angela Saini in her book Superior, “There are powerful forces on the right that fund research into studying human differences with the goal of establishing those differences as a basis of inequalities.” 
     There is no great mystery as to why eugenics has exerted such a magnetic attraction on the wealthy. From god emperors, through the divine right of kings, to social Darwinism, the rich have always sought an uncontestable explanation for why they have so much more money and power than everyone else. In a modern, relatively secular nation whose inequalities of race and class have been shaped by slavery and its legacies, the justifications tend toward the pseudoscience of an unalterable genetic aristocracy with white people at the top and Black people at the bottom. ...
     ... “The lay concept of race does not correspond to the variation that exists in nature,” the geneticist Joseph L. Graves wrote in The Emperor’s New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium. “Instead, the American concept of race is a social construction, resulting from the unique political and cultural history of the United States.” ...
     ... Scientific racism is little more than a resurrection of slaveholder ideology given an empirical sheen. As the proslavery congressman James Henry Hammond declared in his 1850s “Cotton Is King” speech, “In all social systems there must be a class to do the menial duties, to perform the drudgery of life. That is, a class requiring but a low order of intellect and but little skill. Its requisites are vigor, docility, fidelity. Such a class you must have, or you would not have that other class which leads progress, civilization, and refinement.” When Hanania wrote that “even if groups differ in skills or cognitive abilities, we can all still benefit from the division of labor,” he offered a not-so-subtle restatement of this idea. Note that he refers not to “people” or “individuals” but “groups.” Woe to those born into the wrong caste! ...
     My note: In this we see narcissistic hierarchical thinking: they believe they are always better, smarter, and if they can "under-class" one group of people, they will keep trying to "underclass" other groups so that they will have no competition for resources, or "entitled wealth". 
     What is next? More past prejudices emerging like disenfranchising the Irish, Catholics, Jews and every other manner of immigrants? 
     James Henry Hammond's declaration that we must have a "drudgery class" of people so that intellectualism and progress can thrive is obviously false in light of the fact that American progress has meant "machines can do the drudgery" to free most minds to pursue some goals other than hard or dangerous labor in their lives and thinking. Now we have AI and robots. Not that this isn't taking jobs away, but it is enabling most of us to stop being "docile" to quote James Henry Hammond.
     Part of being smarter is being more empathetic, and looking at the reasons people who think they are "greater than you" are treating you so badly. Treating people dismissively, badly, and hierarchically is not smarter; it is just denying to them that they have intelligence and must work as either an indentured servant to a "class of narcissists". No thanks!


  1. I've posted about this but a little bit but I was around a lot of racism growing up.

    I was forbidden to play with an African American girl growing up, and parents even yelled at me for having all Asian [Vietnamese] friends in elementary school, sometimes wonder if that is one reason I was moved away, because those were my closest friends. I once was told that if I ever dated a black man or one of other race, I would be disowned by the family. Then I remember all the talk about the blonde babies in the family.

    I do question some of the "white supremacy CRT stuff", I viewed yesterday an online friend being told off and they had insults for him being white. He basically was told "Sit down and Shut Up" for being white. Racism can go all directions and I think that was a moment when it happened though obviously minority people do face things white people do not or far more such as police brutality.

    However that said, while some of the extreme left is going to places I don't agree with, I still remember the tiki parade in Charlottesville VA, and the right wing is scary too, posting endless "crime" videos with certain races and stereotyping people. Where I live we do hear stories of people of other races not going to certain neighborhoods and places fearing reprisals, and negative happenings, so this stuff is real and continues to this day.

    One of my relatives would use one very bad racial slur all the time. It got so bad, I had to walk out and she even used this slur to insult the work I used to do. I believe she was a narcissist.

    I think narcissists definitely look at all sorts of categories to judge people by and use against them.

    1. The first 3 articles in that reading list are from Carl C. Bell, and he does make a few warnings that by being targets of lifelong racial slurs and other endurances like being falsely accused of crimes by whites, and having your job taken by whites, and violence by whites, that it can set the stage for NPD in some of the victims too.

      And I agree with what you said about the divided country in terms of race: the radical right focusing on the violence committed by people of color, and the radical left leaving out the fact that anyone can be prejudiced, even people who are prejudiced against. "Fighting back" is one of the 4 fs when it comes to being goaded and attacked by NPDs: "fight, flight, fawn, or freeze". And, of course, the "fight response" can be a tit-for-tat thing.

      However, a lot of people miss the point here, that all races have almost the same DNA - I think it is 99.8 percent similar. Whites just have slightly more Neanderthal DNA in them. So that means we are all prone to being victims, and to getting PTSD, and having the same emotional reactions to attacks, the same symptoms when we grow up with an abusive, neglectful or violent environment.

      And we have the same choices: to be like our attackers or to agree that we don't want to be like our attackers for the sake of peace in the world.

      Having said that, blacks still face way more racism, more attacks, more aggression, more hostile judgments than whites, and more instability and violence than whites. It's not even, and because it's not even, injustice and inhumanity is also allowed to prevail too much for blacks.

      Maybe we will enter a more enlightened age with Generation Z coming of age. Let's hope so.

      Thanks for your thoughts, Peeps.

    2. Hi Lise, I'll check out the Carl. C. Bell articles. Yes some victims of racism develop NPD too. It's can be a horrible mess. Yes both sides are freaking me out, the radical right all stereotype to the max, praising the prison/industrial complex--the "new Jim Crow", and worse. The authoritarian left claiming white people can't suffer discrimination and pushing insane speech rules and patronizing nonsense, like insisting on "reason" and "Being on Time" is white supremacy, I've heard that one before, how racist can you get?
      You got that right that the 4 Fs come into play with racism all over the place. And we know the narcissists on both sides of the divide will go to town. PTSD in victims does affect things. When you fear going in stores, knowing you will be followed due to your race [it can be scary and not lead to a friendly atmosphere] and or face violence, and harrassment just for the color of your skin, it takes a toll. I lived in inner city neighborhoods and saw what people had to deal with. Yes blacks face a lot of worse things especially in the policing, court and justice system. I was watching Court Cam last night noticing that black people always seemed to get far more severe sentences for same crimes. Yes all races have almost same DNA. All human beings have the same reactions to growing up with violence, disenfranchisement, loneliness, threats, and abuse.

      I hope things will get better with Gen Z too.

    3. I'm liking what I'm hearing from Gen Z, or at least the people I've met. Way more environmental, they know what abuse is (public schools, K - 12) and they don't put up with it (not prone to "forgive and forget" pressures, and definitely less racist, at least from I'm reading and experiencing in my own world here.

      ... "black people always seemed to get far more severe sentences for same crimes." - Yes. If we, as a nation, look at people the non-NPD way, not hierarchal, but as equals, that would solve the problem.

      Thank you for all of your thoughts on this topic.

  2. I always wondered about this. And now I see that it is true.

  3. Yes, racism is linked to narcissism for all the reasons you laid out. As is misogyny. These people go through life feeding themselves the narrative that they are special, superior, by looking down on the "other." Whoever is not like them. Why? Because Mommy and Daddy (whoever their early caretakers were) reinforced that belief in their specialness. Pair that with zero accountability, zero parenting i.e. discipline and you have a narcissistic brat who has grown up in body but not in attitude. Seeking to re-create in the adult world what his parents taught him to be true - that he is special, that he is always right. Because this isn't even remotely accurate, he'll need to denigrate others, and project his way through life in order to re-create those yummy superiority feelings Mommy and Daddy instilled in him. That's the only way to make him feel "right" in the world.


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