Wednesday, June 15, 2016

do abusers project their thoughts and feelings onto others?

name of cartoon: "Abusers Project Their Feelings
and Thoughts Onto Others"
image is © 2016 by Lise Winne
(for questions regarding use of images contact LilacGroveGraphics (att)

The answer to "Do abusers project their thoughts and feelings onto you?" is yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes (and what is more, just about ALWAYS, especially when they are being abusive or when they are thinking about abusing).

In fact, their accusations are usually so drastically different to what you actually feel and think, that how they read you can almost assuredly be their projecting their feelings and thoughts onto you, especially when they accuse you of something.

Projecting their feelings on to you, is just another part of erroneous blaming, which I go into detail about in this post (recommended).

Because I have written so much about projection in the Erroneous blaming post, the
Perfection in Abusive Relationships post and the Why Punishers and Abusers Use the Ungrateful Phrase post, this post will be a little more brief than those posts.

Projection, when used in conjunction with "a punishment" is always, always abuse. It is abuse because they are accusing you of certain personality traits, feelings and thoughts, and trying to make you believe that those traits, feelings and thoughts actually belong to you. If you don't believe it, they often escalate to doing everything in their power to convince you. If that doesn't work, they escalate to gaslighting you (see this post on the gaslighting technique, another form of abuse used in conjunction with their projections).

After making up things about you, they then use them as an excuse to purposely hurt you (purposely hurting someone else is the definition of abuse: go to my post on what abuse is and who it is perpetrated by to get a better understanding about what I am talking about). Note: abusers most often use the term "punishment" instead of "abuse" (most of them feel that "punishment" is a better term: it sounds more "acceptable" to them. Why? For them "punishment" refers to a child, someone insane or criminal. But make no mistake about it, "punishment" is always abuse and often unlawful unless the person administering the punishment is a court appointed judge or by an official in the US military services to a lower ranking military figure. Incarcerated individuals might also be "punished" with further "time", but this is an official with accreditation. Parents do not have a right to punish children over the age of 16, and even under the age of 16 certain kinds of punishments can cause them to lose their children or to be incarcerated).

From beginning to end, the whole process of projection goes from erroneous blaming, graduating to erroneous convincing, ending in the erroneous punishment.

Also the whole process is being used by them as an excuse to punish and hurt you (most abusers get off on watching their targets suffer).

Basically, if someone is screaming at you things that you are not feeling or thinking, such as that you are ungrateful, or that you are evil and have evil motives, or insulting you (usually with animal names: snake, serpent, rat, ass, pig, vulture, or the "it" label may be used, as David Pelzer was called in his years as a severely abused child), their observations are almost assuredly to be about them, or their plans about you. If you were a child who got smacked around or ostracized because of a look on your face, or for something equally erroneous, do not look at why you are being seen as villainous (do not make the mistake of thinking you have a target on your back), see it as their personality/feelings/thoughts projections onto you.

Why? Abusers do not generally ask you what you think and feel, instead they tell you what you think or feel. They want to be in charge of how you think and feel and supersede any of your own perceptions with their perceptions. Not asking you what you feel and think, and attributing qualities to what you think, is also one sign of an abusive person, before you get any deeper into a relationship with them. They are not psychic, not even a little, though they like to pretend they are (they are as far from being psychic or understanding as anyone can be -- their perceptions are almost assuredly paranoid and off-the-wall and about what they want to see).

You are being groomed to think that you are too stupid to know your own mind and feelings (most abusers label their victims as crazy, over-reactive and too sensitive, another gaslighting technique).

Why is it likely they are projecting when they accuse you?

1. Abusers do not take time to know their victims, except in ways where they can use information for the purpose of terrorizing, exploiting, backstabbing, arm-twisting, blackmailing and abusing ("punishing"). There is a phrase that Ram Dass is noted for: "If a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are his pockets" (a phrase he learned from a spiritual teacher). Abusers know their targets about as well as a pickpocket knows a saint, i.e. not very well, only as well as to notice he has pockets, nothing more, nothing less. He does not know him well enough to judge (and certainly not well enough to accuse). In other words, abusers are noted for filing away tidbits of information and using this information at a later date. This information is not at all inclusive: it is only to be useful, a tool for more prying, more labeling, more manipulation, more accusation, and in the end, only to be utilized for the purpose of abuse and gaining control over you; in other words, its purpose is NOT to build intimacy, understanding, mutual love and trust with a person.

2. Abusers spend a lot of time putting their targets through "punishments". Almost all abusers use verbal abuse and the silent treatment, a form of emotional abuse, at one time or another. A different version to the silent treatment is leaving you to be with a new love (triangulation). A person cannot know you when they put up a wall of "silence" between you and them, or when they are actively pursuing a better sycophant. None of these acts are about knowing you. Also, their minions and worshipers (generally referred to as flying monkeys in psychology circles) are not likely to know you either; in fact they know you even less than the abuser. The flying monkeys' main alliance is to the abuser, and they generally only come forward in your life to take pot-shots at you, to look at you suspiciously, to gather enough information where they think it will incriminate you, to help run smear campaigns against you and to help the abuser with bullying activities.

3. Most abusers have personality disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder. People with these personality disorders tend to be self-involved and self absorbed. The least self involved and self absorbed is the Borderline, and the most self involved and self absorbed is the Sociopath (Antisocial). People with these personality disorders tend to attack wildly if they feel that others are viewing them critically, or less than perfect. Borderlines can control the impulse to attack and abuse best; whereas narcissists and sociopaths have extreme difficulty in controlling these impulses. Sociopaths do not even want to try to control this impulse, nor do they tend to respect the boundaries of others. While narcissists can commit crimes, their abuse tends to be non-physical (silent treatment, smear campaigns, gaslighting, goading, chiding, insulting, name-calling, vilifying, financial abuse, triangulating, emotional blackmail, terrorizing you when you are going through traumatizing life events, ignoring your special events such as graduations, birthdays, etc), whereas sociopaths are willing to take chances at physically abusing you, hoping they won't get caught.

4.  Since abusers are so self absorbed, self-admiring, labeling their targets feelings and thoughts without inquiring (as well as telling their targets what to think and feel about situations), they cannot know their targets in the slightest. The abuser, then, is projecting.

Please note: if an abuser tells you that you are evil and that you are planning evil deeds, run like hell. It usually means that the abuser is planning evil deeds against you, nine times out of ten.

When you train your mind to think of what they are saying as projection, this is an excellent way to keep safe from abuse.

Abuse almost always escalates, no matter how much you are explaining your side of things to them, no matter how much you try to defend yourself, no matter how much you try to get the abuser to understand your perspectives, no matter how kind you are to your abuser, no matter how much understanding and love you express to your abuser, no matter how much you do for your abuser, no matter how steadfast you are to your abuser, no matter how many orders you follow from your abuser. Abuse has nothing to do with you. And it's escalation has nothing to do with you either (again, it is like their drug, their high, and a high needs a bigger dose). Abuse has everything to do with them, period, never you, end of story.

The empath as the target for abuse and projection:

Empaths are usually the targets for abuse.

If you are an empath, you were chosen for abuse. Why? Because abuse is simply easier to instigate against people who care about the feelings, thoughts and needs of others. The abuser uses your concern for others for guilt trips to incite you to stay and work for them, caring for all of their needs, concerned with their judgments and thoughts about you, and keeping you thinking about them all of the time. You are also groomed to be unselfish at all times, to put their agendas always first.

Abusers also tend to use the lazy term to describe you (and their other targets), in order to keep you guilt-ridden if you take a time-out for self-care. The reason they want you to see yourself as lazy, is to guilt-trip you, and then thereby inspire you to work harder at what they demand of you. But if you notice their own actions in regards to laziness, they are almost always assured to take a lot of time for self care. Their time is spent delegating.

It is a form of slavery, or if they are giving you a little money, indentured servitude. Abuse is the whip to keep you complying with their needs and agendas.

And abuse in exchange for compliance can work for the abuser for awhile, especially if they use gaslighting to keep you in a state of confusion about their real intentions.

But once empaths realize they are being used, played for fools, deliberately gaslighted, receiving undeserved treatment, lied to, tricked, used in love triangles, slandered, abused, taken for granted, with nothing reciprocated, the agenda for the empath then changes too. Instead of complying, they think about escaping instead.

One reason why empaths make poor narcissistic supply more quickly than other types of personalities for narcissists and sociopaths is that empaths care about honorable actions like real love, real caring, real kindness, real peaceful conflict resolution, real team-work, and they realize that the narcissist or sociopath was fake about these things the whole time.

When empaths catch narcissists and sociopaths at dishonorable deeds, the abusers come under suspicion. Suspicion is not something narcs and sociopaths like, and it scares them, so they usually do a pre-emptive strike and reject the empath before the empath can reject them.

In some ways, empaths project too: they project good honest qualities on to others (sometimes before doing enough research into the person), though when empaths are lied to so much, it really isn't projecting after all, is it? It is being tricked and fooled and mind-fucked, thus the reason why therapists often refer to narcissistic and sociopathic abuse as emotional rape. Like rape, the empath is lured in by a sweet-talking impostor, someone who tells them they are loved and valued, but does not really mean it. They use the empath for narcissistic supply, and then dump the empath like so much garbage when the empath is not pleasing them. Being dumped is also referred to as the silent treatment (or ostracism if a family member did this to you). See my post on the silent treatment for more information.

Empaths value honesty, integrity, self reflection, responsibility for one's role in events, hard work, altruism, kindness, depth, enlightenment -- qualities that abusers generally do not have. Narcissists and sociopaths cannot keep their masks on forever (the masks tend to slip). So once they are caught at a lie, or some other nefarious act, an empath will feel shocked, and then eventually disgust.

Disgust is something narcs and sociopaths cannot deal with. Their usual way of dealing with being found out is to say, "I wish you hadn't done that", i.e. listened to someone else, investigated what they said, accused them of being duplicitous, and so on. Once they realize that you are investigating them and suspicious of them, they will usually go into a rage (over-react), and either do a disappearing act (the silent treatment), or they scheme at how to get rid of the suspicion much as a criminal tries to get rid of evidence.

Some of the other things they say at being found out is:

* "If that is the way you see me (or feel about me, or think about me), we're done."
* "There are consequences for that, and now you will have to pay."
* "I can't fathom why you would believe in that shoddy evidence over my own words! Why wouldn't you ask me first and let me explain?" -- and watch them explain away all of their misdeeds.
* "How could you do this? How could you do this to our wonderful life and to our home?"
* "How can you love me, and yet believe in these accusations at the same time? Don't you hold me in higher regard than that?!"
* "How can you not believe me? I am tired of being accused! This is so unwarranted! I need a break from you and all of your accusations!"
* "You actually believe what you are told? I can't believe you would do this to me! Accuse me like this! You need to sit down and get a hold of yourself! You need to get calm and take your mind off of this, or you might end up in an insane asylum. I'm worried about you."
* "You would do this to me, and to us? All of the love-making gone out the window because you believe in this tripe? If you think I am such a creep, then you should leave."
* "You wouldn't know the truth if it looked you in the eye! You're too crazy, and that is the end of this discussion!"
* "Look at what you have done! You have destroyed our relationship with this information!"
* "You shouldn't believe everything you are told. If you had listened to me, then we wouldn't be in such a pickle and I wouldn't be trying to get away from you."
* "You need to get a grip! There are some people who are out to get me! Don't be one of them! Support me! Stop believing in everything or you'll go crazy with all of this misinformation (poor thing), this witch hunt against us! They are seeking to break us up and destroy us! Just relax and believe in my intentions. Don't join those evil minions." -- downright creepy -- in fact, it is probably better to be rejected; this kind of phrasing at being caught can be a sign of a dangerous psychopath

Note: in the above statements, the abuser is trying to push responsibility on to you: for listening to and believing in evidence. The hallmark of abusers is that they do a teflon-like blame-shift to make others seem accountable in some way, even if they have to split hairs to do so. They then try to do elaborate cover-ups. Their first response is about how not to be accountable for what they have done. They try to make you accountable instead: for ruining the dream life you were supposedly trying to build together before you found out evidence which crushed your so-called mutual dream.

Fellow empaths will not act this way or treat you this way.

Alternately, some abusers cry rivers to convince you that they have changed and that you should stick by them despite the evidence you have uncovered. This is usually an act. Unless they are voluntarily going through a lot of therapy, or going through a long, difficult spiritual or karmic process, and not blaming you for any of it, they are not really sincere, or to be trusted. Also note: rehabilitation takes a long time, with advances and setbacks, and should be on-going.

Uncovering evidence is often when narcissists and sociopaths become dangerous, so be aware.

Some empaths may stay with abusers because of Stockholm Syndome, or because they believe they deserve it for something they did in the past (karma), or because of financial dependence, but the great majority of empaths do not stay with abusers, and know they did not deserve the abuse.

Empaths most often feel that they deserve reciprocity for being a good person. Most people walking around on the planet have good intentions, as well, so when empaths leave abusers, they will not have a hard time finding others who are as good as they are.

Narcissists and sociopaths do not have good intentions, but they pretend to for the sake of seeming normal in society. In order to feel above others, they usually dictate to others, and that means dictating what others feel and think, even. Since they have no real information, and cannot understand people regardless of whether they have information or not, they project onto people who they are.

They convince themselves that others are scheming ways to take them down, use them, lie to them, and abuse them ... all because that is the way they are. That is one reason why they play the victim after they have abused someone, and erroneously accuse you of motivations which don't exist, and why they punish so severely when you do not agree with their assessments of your thoughts and motivations. They are also so self-involved, where scheming to get something or arm-twisting their way through life is all that they focus on. If they cannot see others for who they really are, then they have to project to fill in the enormous blanks in their perceptions.

When empaths are out of abusive relationships, they are almost assured to be able to dust off their feet, and find other empaths who they can be in a reciprocal relationship with ... unless their self esteem is so shattered and shot that they find themselves in one abusive relationship after another, trying to figure out what they did wrong, which unfortunately happens to many of them.

When abusers are out of relationships with empaths, they are almost assured, over time, to be with other abusers (whether that be with a golden child-turned-narc, or a conniving spouse who won them in one of their super sick love triangle games, or another "suitor" who wants to surreptitiously get into their lives to get rid of the narc's circle of influence -- in other words, narcs tend to attract people just like themselves). According to psychologist Ramani Durvasula over half of favored golden children end up as bullies, and these are the children who tend to be in charge of the narc's finances and health issues when the narc abuser is old. One abuser is not going to care about how another abuser acts, so will endure the relationship with his own nefarious motives to get what ever goodies the abuser has.

Studies show that abusers never get over the relationships with the empaths they have sacrificed, whereas empaths usually get over their abusers, even if not right away, after separation (unless the empath is still stuck on ruminating about what they might have done wrong that made them a target for abuse). Also, with empaths living away from them, with histories, stories and evidence, abusers can become completely unhinged by paranoia. Their smear campaigns can become desperate and non-believable. They can also become jealous, because the empath will have what they don't have: a healthy life with healthy people, real love with other empaths, and real integrity.

Empaths can out-smart abusers (abusers tend to be personality disordered: borderlines, narcissists and sociopaths; the last two are not self reflecting types of people or willing to change except when they have no other choice at all: like when there are no more enablers, or they are destitute, or utterly alone, or sick with no one to help them, or a victim of war or violence, or the victim of a life-altering tragedy). Sometimes even homelessness doesn't change them (they can somewhat resemble The Lady in the Van if they can't find anyone to admire them).

The reason empaths can out-smart abusers is because they are not projecting. Since you know abusers almost always are projecting, abusers become pretty darned predictable. It is this predictability that makes it easy to guess their next move with accuracy.

They also generally only regard other people in terms of whether they can manipulate them (or not). They want to be able to talk people into things; it is what they live for. However, if it looks too hard for them, or they are dealing with someone who challenges them, who is onto their game, they tend to move onto an easier target. They like really insecure innocent people to pick on, and they can't stand smart, successful people. They are so enraged with jealousy most of the time, over someone, that they can barely think straight other than to be scheming retaliations and triangulations that they think will relieve them of feeling jealous. That is a huge vulnerability of theirs, it is their achilles heel.

The other area where they are vulnerable is in their paranoia. They tell so many lies and gaslight so much that they can barely keep anything straight. Having their lies and abuses exposed is their greatest fear, their biggest vulnerability. They can't even stand the possibility, so they try to bury one lie under another lie, or a bunch of lies. If they feel they haven't lied effectively enough, or deflected it, reworded it, played innocent and dumb, pretended they didn't hear right, blamed you for having to make them lie, used their lie to get into word salad arguments, or split hairs, or any of their other foolish and known strategies, they tell themselves 1. they managed to fool people somehow or 2. that the lie was no big deal  or 3. they count on people to be more empathetic than they are, and less punishing.

If you listen to narcissists' and sociopaths' opinions about your career or ambitions, they are always trying to give you advice that will set you up for failure, or they will come right out and say, "You really don't need to be working so hard. Success isn't all that important for you right now." Knowing they want you to fail (unless it makes them look good, is their other vulnerability -- and there are good strategies for bringing shame upon them for it, and shame is the last thing they want to feel; they do everything they can to run away from it).

When you know these predictables, it is always to your advantage. Since they are always trying to find some way, some little teeny tiny way to manipulate and tell people what to do, they can also be challenged in ways they could never dream up because they aren't creative in their thinking; they spend an inordinate amount of time in the attack/defend, controlling mode instead, another vulnerability of theirs.

I will talk about strategies in another post, but the real question is whether you want to even bother with it. Most people do not. Here is why:

They are sadists and they feel they have to win (sometimes at all costs). If you win anything at all they will always want to get back in the ring with you.

One analogy I have for this is this:

First ... let me preface the analogy by saying that most people regard abuse as disgusting. We don't like it when we hear people have been abusive to their child, or spouse, or to a co-worker. We tend to feel let down. When we find that a self-righteous holier-than-thou preacher has been cheating his whole life, we feel disgust at what he has done. When we find that a politician has been trying to cut back on funding social programs for the poor, but is caught at embezzling money from the government, we feel disgust. Let's face it: abusive people are disgusting: all of the gaslighting (disgusting), all of the triangulation (disgusting), all of the cheating (disgusting), all of the bullying, threatening, controlling maneuvers and trying to find narcissistic supply (disgusting), all of their erroneous punishments and blaming (disgusting), use of the silent treatment as a weapon (disgusting), feeling so puny and small that they have to insult other people in order to feel validated as a living being (disgusting); indeed it is a potpourri of unhealthy toxic pastimes, that it will leave any one of us who comes into contact with these people feeling sick, either mentally, emotionally or physically. It especially makes us sick because they feel good being abusers, and don't want to change. It reminds me somewhat of Pig-Pen of the Charlie Brown series in that Pig-Pen is oblivious to how he effects others with his cloud of dust. Abuse is right up there with porn movies featuring children. Ew! Just brushing past known toxic people on a street can make you feel sick to your stomach or give you a headache for a few seconds if you are highly tuned to your environment. So let us imagine a boxer that really, really stinks of the worst possible odor imaginable. Imagine all of these following toxic smells exuding from this person: vomit, poop, skunk, rotting garbage, dead animal, stale smoke, next-day alcohol, sulfur, decaying cabbage, and urine. Imagine that it is the strongest odor you have ever come into contact with. You are another boxer in the ring. You can barely stand his stench when you are on the opposite side of the ring. He is so disgusting that you immediately feel sick to your stomach, and then vomit when you have to proceed with the match by getting close to him. The stench is so overwhelming and noxious that you don't want to box. All you want to do is to leave him there in the ring by himself. The fight doesn't seem to matter any more; getting away from him is what really matters.

When you have dealt with enough toxic people, you eventually come to the conclusion that it is best to leave them alone.

The exceptions are these:
Are they causing harm to others?
Do they have access to children?
Are they in your workplace messing with your work, your career and your reputation?
Are they dangerous?

Posts on these 4 concerns will be forthcoming. In the meantime, listen to their projections to see where they stand in terms of these 4 issues.
For more information on what is abuse, who instigates abuse, and who tends to be the targets of abusers, go HERE.

further reading:

Why Abusers Who Punish Use the Ungrateful Phrase -- my own post which covers why the phrase is so common among abusers, and why it is often projection

The Surprising Reason You Become Deeply Upset With Your Partner -- discusses projection from the Hearts in Harmony website
a great little video-lecture on projection by Sacha Slone:

a video from Spartan Life Coach, Richard Grannon
(There is one thing he says that many therapists disagree with: that scapegoating and mobbing
one member of the family is common. It is only common in highly abusive families and alcoholic families. Most families do not come under that definition ... the rest of the video is worthwhile):
From Tom "Narcissism Survivor" (screen name), a survivor of narcissistic abuse
also talks about projection
(he makes special mention as to why many abusive parents who were sexually abused
as children, do not try to stop their own child from being sexually abused,
or to seek justice via police involvement, arrests and lawsuits --
it is to hurt them in the way they were hurt):
edit on 6/21/16:
This is someone I have been following on You Tube for a long time.
I have seen every video he has ever made. He is the first survivor to go public,
so he is a trailblazer in that regard.
When I announced on twitter about this post (and his video being part of it),
he wrote me back the following (I was so thrilled!):




  1. Are the projections something they do for the fun of it (like a cat batting around a mouse); sort of like a young child's "I know you are, but what am I?" Or. Are they unconscious that they are hurling their own attributes onto others? In other words, are they so in denial of their "bad" aspects (due to feeling entitled to their perfected grandiose image of themselves) that they don't realize the characters they accuse others of having are actually their own?

    1. See my reply to the poster below. I think it answers the same question you have here.

  2. I have a family member that always (and I mean always, without exception) blames and accuses others whenever he makes a mistake or does something wrong. He will blame his error on a chosen target, then gossip and smear them until everyone around him believes it. Is this done knowingly? He sure seems to believe it. He furiously won't allow any evidence or perspectives that refute his version. When I was younger I always thought he had a brain or thinking problem...and that if he was just aware of it, he'd course correct. Perhaps make amends with the person he'd ruined. Like it was all a misunderstanding. I spend years explaining, communicating, providing evidence, trying to resolve conflicts that he created. Is it possible he knew what he was doing all along and just enjoyed doing it? No matter the harm it did to the other person? Whatever is going on....he is ADDICTED to this pattern. He never-and I man never -veers from it. I've known him for 40 years. He usually targets and tears down the ones who are the most loyal and work the hardest for him. I've seen co-workers, business partners get the maltreatment until they left on bad terms. He treats his child that does all the work for him just like he treated them. They can never do enough for him (in his eyes) despite slaving away doing almost nothing in life BUT serving him; he picks fights, and blames them for his actions. The more compliant, hard working, and loyal they were, the worse he treated them, the more he demanded of them, the more he blamed them. One of these workers joked that she did EVERYTHING for him "...except wipe his ass!" And yet he would accuse her of not working hard enough for him and get into squabbles with her daily, blaming and arguing with her, where his projections were right in front for everyone to see. He'd scream and yell at her everyday, "YOU'RE YELLING AT ME!!!" he'd accuse her. Yet, he was always the only one yelling. She never raised her voice back. And tried to reason with him in vain. Then he would turn around and tell everyone she was so disrepectful and abusive. This would happen over and over and over again. Like Groundhog Day. He had a business partner that was a "nice" guy. He chose this one over the others who were more self-centered ,greedy, and disloyal to target. My question is: do people like this actually believe their projections and erroneous blaming? I keep reading that their narcissism prevents them from acknowleging their imperfections and they are in denial. Others say they know what they are doing and are simply seeking to blame others in order to get away with their behavior without consequence or dents in their public image. Plus, it is FUN for them. Is the truth that it is both simultaneously?

    1. I don't think anyone, even the most educated professionals who study narcissism in labs at a university can always be sure that it is a conscious choice to be projecting their traits on to another person.
      And then you have the fact that narcissists are absolutely terrible at self reflecting, and telling the truth, which means that they don't know themselves very well and therefor definitely don't know others. They know people in "agenda" ways: whether a person will stroke their ego, whether they can successfully get their co-workers out of the way to be next-in-line to their boss, who will be good prey for their projecting and bullying, whether they can bully another person without being found out or held accountable, whether their bullying will have ramifications outside their relationship with another person, whether their victim will keep secrets about the abuse.
      So let us say that the victim does not keep the abuse a secret, and the perpetrator is projecting all of his traits on to her, and many, many people know about it. Let's say that hundreds of people in a community know about it, have seen the texts and e-mails of the abuser. People who know the victim also know that the accusations of the perpetrator are off-the-wall. That abuser is not likely to follow up with more abuse or even blame the victim any more; instead the abuser predictably stops communicating with the victim, and makes a determination that his victim is "too strong, too much of a social liability" to them (i.e. that there are too many social pitfalls to bullying that particular victim). Most of them do this when victims go public or show what has happened to them with various people in their circle.
      cont ...

    2. cont...
      Let's say that that the victim and the perpetrator are both teachers, but not at the same institutions. Even if the victim shows her co-workers texts and e-mails from the perpetrator, those co-workers are not going to keep it in a vacuum at that particular school. "How could a teacher act like this to another teacher!? You wonder how he is treating students if he treats other teachers this way!" - would be the typical reaction. So, let's say the principal at the perpetrator's school gets wind of these e-mails and texts and keeps a watch on him, and tells him that if he ever treats a child or teacher like that again, he will be fired. The bully teacher wants to keep his reputation up instead of down, so he may play the victim to get everyone confused, or lie, or produce phony evidence that his victim is a perpetrator.
      There is the possibility of a perpetrator doing this, and that also shows they know what they are doing.
      And if they go silent and make the decision that they picked on the wrong person and they have stopped the bullying of that particular victim also shows they know what they are doing.
      So both scenes show consciousness about their acts.
      Most bullies do pick on the wrong people at some point because they get so grandiose and full of themselves, and they get careless because they feel they are "too teflon", that no fault will ever stick to them. But eventually they do get caught in one way or another.
      Anyway, the unconscious route is to to do it like a perpetrator in an alcoholic blackout: the perpetrator still bullies despite social disadvantages and pressures, despite what it is doing to their reputations, despite that they cannot get their victim to keep their bullying a secret.
      The knee-jerk reaction of having to be "best and brightest" (grandiose) and also powerful, dominating, and coercively controlling (the ambition to appear charismatic and "best") can point to them not knowing what they are doing ... but only if they keep doing it as their victims have made it totally clear that they are not, under any circumstances, willing to keep any bullying they receive a secret (especially after the victim has already released evidence).
      Another observation: if it is "FUN" for them, they are most likely sadistic: it points to narcissism with sociopathy, but only an accredited therapist in domestic violence can make that determination for sure.

    3. cont ...

      Here is an article in Psychology Today called "How to Confront Narcissists' Lethal Weapon: Projection
      Find out how to identify and confront projection and stop abuse.". There are also other articles on the right hand side which discuss the use of projection too:

      Most of the articles don't state that projection is unconscious, though it can be. But it definitely points to emotional immaturity, and the continuation of its use after childhood continues to thwart maturity as well. At the core it is a defense mechanism: "I didn't do it! You did it!" even when you haven't done it. It's their way of saying, "I'm not going to take any blame; you have to do it and these traits of mine are the way you will blame yourself." And e say "no" and defend ourselves, much to the narcissist's chagrin.

      There's a checklist on this page
      where answering "yes" basically points to narcissistic traits.

  3. My father will yell and scream in someone's face for 1/2 an hour straight (this is usually the longest one can endure before leaving the room or the car). While he is doing this - non-stop yelling- often hitting the desk or counter, or pounding the steering wheel, he screams this over and over "YOU'RE YELLING AT ME! HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME!!! WHYYYYYYYYYY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME??!!!!" No one is yelling at him. He is the only one yelling. The other person is quiet, or if they dare to attempt to speak or answer him, he immediately cuts them off with even louder screaming. The screaming is pretty much constant. My question is he truly not aware that he is the only one yelling? Is this a game to him or does he believe it? Sometimes he'll admit that she/me/whoever wasn't really yelling at him but that we "had a tone". If we weren't speaking at all and he can't use the "tone" excuse then he says we had a "look" on our face. His female co-workers were very distressed by his antics and would eventually leave the room, some more swiftly than others. They would leave in tears, or leave under great duress. The problem with me is that I'm used to his yelling and tantrums and don't react to them anymore, nor care about them. I'm more tolerant I guess, or to busy to bother reacting to his antics, and just don't care about yelling and name calling. They don't panic me or effect me the way it does the others. I sort of viewed him as a big baby having a tantrum and just wait it out. However, you are right that abuse escalates. Because of my non-reaction to his screaming in my face, he now feels he needs to up the ante and jab his finger in my face and grab and shove. It seems his goal in all these interactions is to badger his victim until she reacts; either by leaving, crying, or getting stressed out.

  4. continued... My mother, for example will eventually yell back if she's endured 10 minutes straight of his screaming and lies in her face. And he loves it! He switches from rage to smiles once he's pushed someone to react. Once he's cracked them. If I don't give him that satisfaction of a reaction, he takes the verbal aggression and elevates it to physical. I've noticed this lately getting worse. The less I react to his antics, the more aggressive he becomes. It's like he NEEDS to shove his bad energy into me and he NEEDS me to accept it. The goal seems to be to to get us rattled. As if it's an energy exchange where he dumps his bad dark energy/stress whatever into us...then he's happy and whistling once he's affected us or cracked us. Just like with the verbal abuse, when he's physically aggressive, he also says the equivalent of "You're attacking me! You're attacking me!" While he's jabbing, shoving, and grabbing me. No one is attacking him. I would love to know if he really believes this (has a brain disorder and can't tell from reality) or if he's just doing this because it gives him sadistic pleasure and he's hoping his lies and obnoxious behavior will get us to react and respond so that he can use it as an excuse to justify his rage toward us. I notice the pattern with everyone, he doesn't stop bullying them until they react/and or leave, or become visibly upset. If we speak or say "No, I'm not yelling. You are yelling." He uses it to escalate further. Any attempt to speak at all is interrupted, pounced on, and he grows even more aggressive. When he accuses us of doing what he is he crazy/deluded...or doing it on purpose in hopes we'll react to it? Do bullies and abusers actually believe it when the reverse victim/abuser? Nothing is more crazy making than a 6'5 man towering over you red faced and screaming like a madman for lengthy period of time whilst accusing YOU are yelling at him. Over and over and over. Meanwhile, he's the only one yelling. Yet he keeps saying it. "Be QUITE!!!" he yells. "X is trying to sleep! WHY are you YELLING AT MEEEE???!!!" While he violently and LOUDLY slams doors. This goes on for as long as it takes until he gets his reaction. Either we attempt to speak and defend ourself, or cry, or retreat, or in my mother's case, yell back. He switches from rage to lighthearted like a switch once he's succeeded in disturbing his victim. Do they believe their projections? When they accuse you of doing what they are doing? Or is done simply to provoke you into responding? He desires a squabble and needs to conjure one, needs another participant in order to expunge all his ugliness into.

  5. By the way. I utilized the "ignore him" strategy because after observing his behaviors with people over the years, it's really no different from that of a toddler before they've learned emotion self-regulation, the word "no," or have yet to be disciplined in any way. Imagine "Toddlers Gone Wild" with no parents. This is the result. Adults who are still emotional toddlers are abusers and bullies.
    What do difficult tantruming children want? Attention. Power. More attention. Good parents don't reward tantrums. They do time outs, or ignore them until they calm down. I decided I'd try that with my father. I don't take the bait when yells, or lies, or accuses me of whatever obnoxious thing he's doing. I even ignore the desk pounding and door slamming. For those interested, THIS WORKED in the short term. Nothing else has ever worked. But this did. While it was new to him. I guess he was surprised by this non-reaction to his antics. He'd actually give up and stop trying to torture me when I implemented this. But the results are short-lived. Once the novelty of it wore off, he was back..and increasing his aggression towards me to new levels. I'd say this tactic of non-response would work well in certain environments, or with people you don't live with or have to deal with on a daily basis. Don't try it on a spouse or family member you're stuck with. Don't try it if you're a bullied kid in school. Ignoring doesn't work there. If you interact with them occassionally, or rarely, this works great. But if they're really in your life in a significant and unavoidable way on a daily basis (as in school or a family member), it's only a short term solution. Eventually, they come back even harder for their "fix." Which is to shake you up, get you to panic, or at least to respond in some way to their tantrums. The toddler can't do anything about it if you ignore him, or put him alone in a time-out room when he hits...but the adult man is restrained by nothing. Nothing but prison, that is. Which would be hard to do with all the he/said she/said dynamics, charm, lies, power, and money available to them. Plus, who is willing to turn in their family member? Very, very rare. Also, probably not worth the hassle and hell it would bring. In the end, it really does come down to just packing up, leaving everything behind, and leaving.

    1. I agree that ignoring, is not useful except to keep the more egregious abuse at bay for awhile, and at work.

      "Plus, who is willing to turn in their family member? Very, very rare." - but some people do it. The Uni-bomber was turned in by his brother, for instance.

      The parents of Brian Laundrie (who killed his girlfriend, Gabby Petito) thought their son might be in a certain part of the park they lived near. The police went with the parents into the park and found his remains just feet away from where the parents stood.

      The he/said, she/said dynamics can be solved with either enough victims coming forward (such as in the Jeffrey Epstein case), or with recordings. Or with a police probe. Recording incidences at the police station also makes it easier for future victims to bring a law case. In other words, it's not impossible.

      Thanks for telling your story.


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