Over on another blog, called The Immortal Alcoholic, I asked Riley, a now-sober alcoholic who has been in and out of rehab and close to death many, many times, some questions. To read the interview in its entirety (and see the video) GO HERE.
Here is a little excerpt of my particular questions:
Angry Alcoholics –
What kind of person do you think you would have been if you had never tasted alcohol?
Very dull.
What would you have done with your life?
Something dull, probably not spend 25 years on submarines. I would be very much like my father.
What would you be doing now?
I have no idea, but I would probably be dead now.
What were your dreams?
Mine? I think there is no burden greater than a great expectation. I didn't have any dreams for myself as I was expected to.
What advice would you give to a man who feels he is not an alcoholic, but who is drinking three quarters of a bottle of gen a day, starting every morning and sipping throughout the day?
Try to quit.
How would you wake up his family that he’s in trouble?
It is very difficult to wake up the family as quoted by you. I'm not sure that I could. The family and associates have a tendency to tip toe around the elephant in the room.