News and new developments pertaining to child abuse and child abuse laws
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A groundbreaking children's book, Scapegoat, written by Australian author, Ava Keyes (pseudonym)
From the website: "Being bullied is never fun, but what do you do when the bullies are at home? 'Scapegoat' is an important story that shows kids how to get help if they need it and how to find strength within themselves." - reviewed by many professional therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists (scroll for reviews). Authored by a friend of mine. The author is very active in bringing the subject of scapegoating into the public eye as well as trying to change laws so that scapegoated children are protected (the author was the main impetus for my own writing about changing laws to protect children particularly my first post on the subject). Also read this article (announcement) about the book:
When the bully lives at home – a new book to help children with family scapegoating

Gaslighting: How a Parent Can Drive a Kid Crazy - Therapist, Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC, takes on the subject of children who are experiencing gaslighting from parents and why she believes it is the most egregious form of child abuse.

excerpts from the article:

A parent who gaslights their child is manipulatively deceptive. They take advantage of their position of trust and authority over the child to meet their own dysfunctional needs ...

... A common tactic is for the abusive parent to give a gift to the child for no reason and then randomly take it away. The gift is usually something that is highly valued to the child. Once appreciation is shown, then it is removed as a precursor to a push-pull abuse tactic. The idea is that the parent is in complete control of the child: giving pleasure and then taking it away. This creates a strange fear that things will be taken away if the child does not do exactly what the parent demands ...

... The child might not feel anger and in an attempt to defend, says “no I’m not”. To which the abusive parent responds, “I can hear it the tone of your voice and your body language, I know you better than you know yourself.” ...

The first petition I have seen of its kind: Protection for victims of Narcissistic Sociopath Abuse as of this time 28,375 have signed. Basically it is a call for new laws such as the UK, Ireland and Scotland have about emotional abuse of children and coercion and threats in partner abuse.

Americans Trafficked for Sex - from PBS's "Frontline" show
Frontline takes on the subject of Human Sex Trafficking, focusing on teenagers younger than 18 who are abducted and forced into trafficking against their will in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The Phoenix police take a different approach to under-age prostitutes, treating them as victims of trafficking, and trying to get the traffickers and johns incarcerated. Moving, disturbing and a powerful new approach to the issue.

Two of abused Turpin children read statements during parents' sentencing - from ABC News (You Tube video)
The Turpin parents get 25 years to life for abusing their children. The children and parents read their statements at the sentencing:

An article exploring the similarities between Aspherger's and Narcissism. 
Note: I have seen many responses to this article, and while the two disorders have some overlap, autistic children usually have an aversion to lying, do not express themselves via the cycle of abuse (idealize, devalue, discard), do not "love bomb" targets, are not sadistic, do not rewrite history to keep themselves culpable and do not use the same kinds of phrases that narcissists are known to use especially when narcissists devalue their children. But I thought I'd let my readers know that some psychologists are exploring the subject.

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