News and new developments pertaining to child abuse and child abuse laws

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Contents (often with my comments):
Narcissists know they're annoying, study suggests

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Contents (often with my comments):
* Watervliet, NY woman accused of attempted murder of 10 month old son. Last year she was arrested for alleged animal abuse
* another nightmare child abuse story: 
Three starving children, 7, 10, and 15, are found locked inside Houston apartment next to the decomposing remains of their 9-year-old brother who had been dead for a YEAR - ABC Eyewitness News and Daily Mail report on the story
Research delves into causes of nightmares that shadow female survivors of sexual trauma (It’s been estimated that up to 88% of survivors of rape or molestation suffer from persistent nightmares that can occur multiple times per week, seemingly at random.) - a new study from psychologists at the University of Kansas
* Experts Say Some Children Are Singled Out For Abuse While Siblings Left Unscathed, scapegoating is validated when reporting on a case in Pittsburgh, PA
* The PBS News Hour takes on Childhood Trauma in its new series, "Invisible Scars"
* The New York Times (and other publications) take on the issue of Brittany Spears guardianship (conservatorship). New laws were enacted after the hearings.

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Contents (often with my comments):
* Scapegoat, a ground breaking children's book about being a family scapegoat. Helps children determine whether they are a scapegoat, and where they can look for help. Written by Australian author, Ava Keyes (pseudonym)
* Gaslighting: How a Parent Can Drive a Kid Crazy - Therapist, Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC, takes on the subject of children who are experiencing gaslighting from parents and why she believes it is the most egregious form of child abuse.* the first petition I have seen of its kind: Protection for Victims of Narcissistic Sociopath Abuse (being proposed are the laws the UK has for the USA): story here and here or sign the actual petition here* 
* Americans Trafficked for Sex - from PBS's "Frontline" show (primarily discusses the abduction of teenage girls into providing sex against their will, takes place in Phoenix, Arizona).
*Two of abused Turpin children read statements during parents' sentencing - from ABC News (You Tube video) - parents get 25 years to life for abusing their children
* The King and Queen of Mean -- by psychologist Lynne Namka
Do You Think of Narcissism as an Autistic Spectrum Disorder? (“Of course not!” you might say dismissively. Not so fast. Better think again.) - by Susan Heitler Ph.D. For Psychology Today: a controversial psychology study exploring some of the overlaps between Aspherger's and Narcissism.

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Contents (often with my comments):
* The Root of All Cruelty? Perpetrators of violence, we’re told, dehumanize their victims. The truth is worse -- by Paul Bloom for The New Yorker Magazine
* Narcissists aren't capable of something called 'object constancy' — and it helps explain why they are so cruel to the people they date -- by Lindsay Dodgson
* Witnessing Parental Psychological Abuse May Do More Harm Than Physical Abuse -- by Traci Pedersen
* Dominator vs. Persuader Cultures -- by Five Hundred Pound Peep
* Child Victims Act Signed Into Law in New York State -- by various resources
* The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America -- by John W. Whitehead (originally a publication of the Rutherford Institute)

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